Running Windows XP SP 2 from Flashdisk

Senin, 05 Januari 2009

This paper describes how to run the operating system Windows XP SP 2 directly from the flash disk, 
at the same time to run office applications, multimedia, Internet browsing, and repair the system error. 

Microsoft explained that booting from a USB drive can not be done. 
To bring as only function as storage media, for example, save the document. Mp3, or .3 gp 

"USB-based mass storage devices can not be the primary hard disk storage solution on a regular system ..." 

"Windows can not boot from an USB drive. If your computer supports booting from such devices, 
you can load a boot loader to the USB device which starts Windows XP from the HDD. " 

Not so the fact that indeed. For it is written this tutorial. p 

-------------------------------------------------- -- 
Step 1: Is your computer can be booting from a USB? 
-------------------------------------------------- -- 
To check whether your computer is booting from a USB can see this note: 
1. Check the BIOS setup on the "Advanced BIOS Settings", usually there is the "boot menu Sequence" or 
choice similar to that. Each of the BIOS installed on the motherboard has a menu that 
different. Please refer to the manual of the motherboard, which usually included. 
2. If the BIOS is not supported, please update the BIOS. Usually, the new motherboard output 
always supports the feature "boot from USB." 

Make test whether your computer is booting from a USB can: 
1. Bring from the Windows format, with the format NTFS/FAT32 
You can use a tool that can format a HPFormatTool bring from the Start Menu. 
3. Computer shutdown. 
4. Connect the USB drive without HUB. Enter the flash disk directly on the CPU, without the help cable. 
5. Disconnect hard drive (disconnect the IDE / SATA and power from the motherboard) 
6. Turn on the computer 
7. BIOS setup and try to make booting from a USB Drive. If the BIOS does not successfully find the drive 
with autodetect, not the problem. What is important is the BIOS may have been booting from a USB Drive. 
8. Shutdown the computer, connect the hard drive back again, and bring pull from the CPU 
9. Restart the computer 

Step 3: dumping Windows XP SP 2 to. ISO 
Open UltraISO> Create. ISO of Windows XP SP 2> Save> gave the name "WinUSBDrive.ISO" 

Step 4: Extract Files 
1. Open the file "WinUSBDrive.ISO" you have made, with UltraISO 
2. Open the folder \ i386 
3. Extract the following files to the desktop%% (though readily searchable) 


Step 5: Unpacking files *. IN_ 
1. Use the SDK CAB (Cabinet SourceDevelopmentKit) from the command-line (cmd.exe) to unpack content 
files. IN_ where each file contains only one file. inf file 
2. Copy files to the desktop CAB SDK 
3. Start> Run> type: "cmd.exe / k cd desktop" (without quotation marks)> OK / Enter 
Will display the command prompt: 

C: \ Documents and Settings \% username% \ Desktop \>? 

4. Type: 

cabarc x USB.IN_ 
cabarc x USBPORT.IN_ 
cabarc x USBSTOR.IN_ 

You will find the following files: 


5. Delete files in the *. IN_%% desktop but not delete the file TXTSETUP.SIF 
6. Let alone the Command Prompt open, I do not need to be closed. 

Step 6: Editing File 

To edit a file code / text with Notepad: 

1. Open Notepad file. 
2. Drag-drop files to be edited in Notepad. 
3. Once finished, close Notepad. If there is confirmation of storage, select YES 

The following is the main steps that should be done, so that Windows XP SP 2 can be installed to bring in 


This file is in the early-LOAD through the installation CD Installer Windows XP SP 2. 
USB devices are usually only considered as "input device" during installation. 
I will change it to include support for media-storage drivers on the initial installation. 

Make editing the file TXTSETUP.SIF such as the following instructions: 

Note the line where the line should ditambahi and which should be removed. 
The line marked "; insert this line" which means additional previously not in the original file 
The line marked "; delete this line" means that the line should be deleted 
The line marked "; add / change like this line" means that the case should be modified as 

pci = pci.sys 
acpi = acpi.sys 
isapnp = isapnp.sys 
acpiec = acpiec.sys 
ohci1394 = ohci1394.sys 
usbehci = usbehci.sys; insert this line 
usbohci = usbohci.sys; insert this line 
usbuhci = usbuhci.sys; insert this line 
usbhub = usbhub.sys; insert this line 
usbstor = usbstor.sys; insert this line 

usbehci = usbehci.sys; delete this line 

usbohci = usbohci.sys; delete this line 
usbuhci = usbuhci.sys; delete this line 
usbhub = usbhub.sys; delete this line 
usbccgp = usbccgp.sys 
hidusb = hidusb.sys 
serial = serial.sys 
serenum = serenum.sys 
usbstor = usbstor.sys; delete this line 

pci = "PCI-Bustreiber," files.pci, pci 
acpi = "ACPI Plug & Play-Bustreiber," files.acpi, acpi 
isapnp = "ISA Plug & Play-Bustreiber," files.isapnp, isapnp 
acpiec = "Integrierter ACPI-Controllertreiber," files.none, acpiec 
ohci1394 = "IEEE-1394-Bus-OHCI-konformer Anschlusstreiber," files.ohci1394, ohci1394 
usbehci = "Erweiterter Hostcontroller," files.usbehci, usbehci; insert this line 
usbohci = "Open Hostcontroller," files.usbohci, usbohci; insert this line 
usbuhci = "Universeller Hostcontroller," files.usbuhci, usbuhci; insert this line 
usbhub = "Standard-USB-Hubtreiber," files.usbhub, usbhub; insert this line 
usbstor = "USB-Speicherklassentreiber," files.usbstor, usbstor; insert this line 

usbehci = "Erweiterter Hostcontroller," files.usbehci, usbehci; delete this line 
usbohci = "Open Hostcontroller," files.usbohci, usbohci; delete this line 
usbuhci = "Universeller Hostcontroller," files.usbuhci, usbuhci; delete this line 
usbhub = "Standard-USB-Hubtreiber," files.usbhub, usbhub; delete this line 
hidusb = "HID-parser," files.hidusb, hidusb 
serial = "Treiber f? r seriellen Anschluss", files.none, serial 
serenum = "f enumerators? r seriellen Anschluss", files.none, serenum 
usbstor = "USB-Speicherklassentreiber," files.usbstor, usbstor; delete this line 
usbccgp = "Generic USB Parent Driver", files.usbccgp, usbccgp 

Some key Registry should be added and (again gives Microsoft the opportunity to make 
to allow anyone) to modify the command files in TXTSETUP.SIF 

AddReg = hivedef.inf, AddReg 
AddReg = hivesys.inf, AddReg 
AddReg = hivesft.inf, AddReg 
AddReg = hivecls.inf, AddReg 
AddReg = hiveusd.inf, AddReg 
AddReg = dmreg.inf, DM.AddReg 
AddReg = usbboot.inf, usbservices; insert this line 

usbboot.inf = 1 ,,,,,,_ x, 3, 3; insert this line 
bootvid.dll = 1 ,,,,,, 3_, 2,0,0,, 1.2 
kdcom.dll = 1 ,,,,,, 3_, 2,0,0,, 1.2 

Save and Close the file "TXTSETUP.SIF" 

6-B) --- DOSNET.INF 

Open the file and then do the editing DOSNET.INF as follows: 

d1, usbboot.inf; insert this line 
d1, _default.pif 
d1, 12520437.cpx 
d1, 12520850.cpx 

... and next, let alone 

Save and Close the file "DOSNET.INF" 

6-C) --- usb.inf 

Make changes in the section [StandardHub.AddService] and [CommonClassParent.AddService] 

DisplayName =%% StandardHub.SvcDesc 
StartType = 0; SERVICE_DEMAND_START; StartType be replaced StartType = 0 
ServiceBinary =% 12% \ usbhub.sys 
LoadOrderGroup = Boot Bus Extender; add / change like this line 

DisplayName =%% GenericParent.SvcDesc 
StartType = 0; SERVICE_DEMAND_START; StartType be replaced StartType = 0 
ServiceBinary =% 12% \ usbccgp.sys 
LoadOrderGroup = Boot Bus Extender; add / change like this line 

Save and Close the file "usb.inf" 

6-E) --- usbstor.inf 

Make changes in the section [USBSTOR.AddService] 

DisplayName =%% USBSTOR.SvcDesc 
ServiceType = 1 
StartType = 0; add / change like this line 
Tag = 3; add / change like this line 
ErrorControl = 1 
ServiceBinary =% 12% \ USBSTOR.SYS 
LoadOrderGroup = Boot Bus Extender; add / change like this line 

Save and Close the file "usbstor.inf" 

6-M) --- Create a file USBBOOT.INF 

Create a file called "USBBOOT.INF" in the desktop%% 


HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ USBSTOR", "DisplayName", 0x00000000, "USB Mass Storage Driver" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ USBSTOR", "ErrorControl", 0x00010001, 1 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ USBSTOR", "Group", 0x00000000, "System Reserved" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ USBSTOR", "ImagePath", 0x00020000, "system32 \ DRIVERS \ USBSTOR.SYS" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ USBSTOR," "Start", 0x00010001, 0 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ USBSTOR," "Type", 0x00010001, 1 

HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbehci", "DisplayName", 0x00000000, "USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller Miniport Driver" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbehci", "ErrorControl", 0x00010001, 1 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbehci", "Group", 0x00000000, "System Reserved" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbehci", "ImagePath", 0x00020000, "system32 \ DRIVERS \ usbehci.sys" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbehci," "Start", 0x00010001, 0 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbehci," "Type", 0x00010001, 1 

HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbhub", "DisplayName", 0x00000000, "USB2 Enabled Hub" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbhub", "ErrorControl", 0x00010001, 1 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbhub", "Group", 0x00000000, "System Reserved" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbhub", "ImagePath", 0x00020000, "system32 \ DRIVERS \ usbhub.sys" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbhub", "Start", 0x00010001, 0 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbhub", "Type", 0x00010001, 1 

HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbuhci", "DisplayName", 0x00000000, "Microsoft USB Universal Host Controller Miniport Driver" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbuhci", "ErrorControl", 0x00010001, 1 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbuhci", "Group", 0x00000000, "System Reserved" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbuhci", "ImagePath", 0x00020000, "system32 \ DRIVERS \ usbuhci.sys" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbuhci," "Start", 0x00010001, 0 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbuhci," "Type", 0x00010001, 1 

HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbohci", "DisplayName", 0x00000000, "Microsoft USB Open Host Controller Miniport Driver" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbohci", "ErrorControl", 0x00010001, 1 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbohci", "Group", 0x00000000, "System Reserved" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbohci", "ImagePath", 0x00020000, "system32 \ DRIVERS \ usbohci.sys" 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbohci," "Start", 0x00010001, 0 
HKLM, "SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbohci," "Type", 0x00010001, 1 

Save and Close the file "USBBOOT.INF" 

-------------------------------------------------- --- 
Step 7: Packing files to the format Already Edited IN_ 
-------------------------------------------------- --- 
Open another Command Prompt 
C: \ Documents and Settings \% username% \ Desktop \>? 


cabarc n USB.IN_ usb.inf 
cabarc n USBPORT.IN_ usbport.inf 
cabarc n USBSTOR.IN_ usbstor.inf 

IN_ files dipaket is based on the file inf file that you edit the election. 

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 
Step 8: Injeksikan files from the Desktop to IN_ "WinUSBDrive.ISO" 
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 

Open UltraISO and make sure the (still) open the file "WinUSBDrive.ISO" 

Open the folder \ i386 on "WinUSBDrive.ISO" 

Delete the following files: 


Save the file "WinUSBDrive.ISO" 

Drag-drop the files you have in the edit%% desktop was to "WinUSBDrive.ISO" in the folder \ i386 


Save the file "WinUSBDrive.ISO" 

Step 9: Burning "WinUSBDrive.ISO" to CD 
Burning with Nero or burnatonce with a low speed. 

Step 10: Install Windows XP SP 2 from the CD 
1. Shut down the computer. 
2. Disconnect the internal and external hard drives 
3. Set the BIOS to a USB Drive as a "first boot device" 
4. Enter the USB drive without HUB (without cable, directly from the CPU to bring) 
5. Restarting 
Windows will usually display the error message: 
1. "Drivers not certified" <- select YES. 
This occurs because the files in the installation CD that already changed 
2. "PageFile not found" 
6. Install. 

Step 11: Try This Everywhere 
Once successful, the computer shutdown. Place the USB drive again. Try the house. ; op 

Now you can use Flashdisk such as the operating system Windows XP SP 2. 
Although not all motherboards support booting from a USB Drive ", at least, that can bring 
run in the Pentium 4. 
Of course you can understand why bring that can run Windows XP SP 2 is very helpful. 
You can complete the "system errors" are common, such as: 
1. Login password can not be opened 
2. Virus lodged in the% SystemDrive% and must be cleaned 
3. Want to copy files on hard drives, but the system error 
4. Or do precisely contrary numbers 1, 2 and 3, namely: to accidentally delete a file in the Windows disk 
can not booting, want an viruses, or files without the owner. p 
5. About without fear of viruses or Trojan infected. Because, if infected, live format and hard drives 
"reload" to bring to write "WinUSBDrive.ISO" to bring (about 10 minutes).

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