Tips and Tricks to get a good firewall program

Kamis, 04 Desember 2008

This is the program for a number Firewall Test. There are 17 engineering program, and I must pass, it all Pass. Means that the firewall program that built " good "! I just step 1 can detect a firewall, the firewall is used to replace or reset the config before the next test to continues. So should you run sequentially under this program. Because some of the programs under the program using Trojan why. I perforated, I think the responsibility lhooo. The Iraqi-me remove it except the windows or install Reimport I find rather hard. So should follow the rules : 

Conditions before the start: 
- Make sure the pitch Antivirus installed 
- Firewall or anti-Trojan programs installed 
- Make sure the switch on Windows Firewall in the Control Panel 

1. Leak Test 
Download the program here 
Run the program and click the button TEST FOR LEAKS, tough results. I Connect program is succesfull, it means your firewall is bad. Dispose of it, because I have known allow the program to access the Internet But the firewall you reject this program, then continue with number 2 below 

2. TooLeaky 
Download the program here 
This program will be running Internet Explorer and go back to the server GRC send your personal data. I pass, and the open Internet, that means your firewall SUCKS! Change we're .. I pass a firewall and block out the message GRC is Down, you can proceed to number 3 

3. Firehole 
Download the program here 
This is the Trojan's why, but the lightweight class. Let's safe, tut. Then, after running the program click on START. The program will send a message to the server Trojan. Kaloo you post the latest Windows Update and via the Windows update, then the error will appear guise of a warning from Windows. I do not, you depend on the same firewall and your antivirus software 

4. Yalta 
Download here
Extract the folder in the first cleanup. Then run Yalta. Press key CLASSICAL LEAK TEST or advance. I firewall detects your internet access this program, can proceed to the next 

5. Outbond 
Download here  
Run, I terlewati Internet access, firewall means you leak. 

6. PCAudit 
Download here  
Caution, this is my Trojan Generator why. I detected Antivirus / AntSpyware. Let's, for test purposes. Enjoy safe. I trouble you for downloading the program, turn off the antivirus software first. Later when running this program, can be activated again for the test firewall and AV 

7. Atelier 
This is the Firewall Tester's komperehensif, first install the program and will be acquired 6 leakage testing techniques your firewall. You must pass all. I pitch it your Windows security update it. The program will be denied inii run 

8. Thermite 
Download program here 
This program uses DLL injection techniques. I firewall or antivirus software you cry means you safe. 

9. CopyCat 
Download here
Process Injection via cmd. 

10. MBTest 
Download here  
Do not forget to extract the files in the system32 directory (packet.dll) and system32/driver/npf.sys 
This program will check and send all the packets of data to the Internet.

11. Wallbreaker 
Download the program here  
There are 4 test I have to skip you. Utilizing the Internet Explorer for implementing the Connection. So I multistage process may be difficult for firewalls to detect. For the Explorer and Internet Explorer are usually allowed for access. I Inet open, meaning you do not have firewalls support multiple process Process Threat to-4 unique, so the program will be launched via the schedule. And will be run when you dally in the schedule page 

12. PCAudit2 
Download and install the program here  
Run, the program will run the process Explorer. Then do DLL injection. Very rarely firewall to detect this. The program will continue to try internet connection. Then the program will apply, such as keylogger. 

13. Ghost 
Download program here 
This program requires the data.lalu interaction data to send my andaketik (keylogger) secretly background. Hopefully you can detect the firewall's this. 

14. DNS Tester 
Can be downloaded here  
The program will conduct DNS cache flush, and then send some of my DNS requests left by the firewall. I run this program successfully, that means your firewall to detect the late DNS Request, or it failed. Enable-a Windows DNS Client Service when the program galgal execution. 

15. Surfer 
Download the program here  
The program will control the Internet through the DDE Interface explorer. Your firewall should reject this connection. 

16. BreakoutWP 
Download the program here  
This program sends the url to Explore the Internet via the Windows API SendMessage. I Inet you open, meaning that the Windows Firewall or your Vulnerable against this Trojan 

17. Jumpers 
Download here
Tester's Explorer will kill you and make injection DLL files, and then connect via Internet Explorer. So it should not surprise you to disappear tiba2 Explorer, but will appear again thin. This will show whether your firewall to quickly detect changes, etc., or registry.

source : by Dony Ariyus


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source :


Web Service

Senin, 01 Desember 2008


Webservice is a process and set of protocols to find and connect a system with software that diekspose as services via the web. Web Services can be anything from movie reviews, information exchange, the name and content cd music service to the hotel and flight bookings. Webservice technical infrastructure to ensure that the services of the vendor-vendor different.
Web Service fully web-based standards and xml. Web Service can help:
1. Mediator in the integration platform throughout the execution of a virtual machine.
2. Integration between the Web and OO middleware.
3. Integration of work flow, isolated and sevice-service (Web Services Flow Language - WSFL).
4. Exchange of data on the application of different (X-Schema, XSLT + +)
5. (The future: the standardization of information between the context of web services and client - horizontal integration services).

The main players and standards
Microsoft:. NET SUN: Open Net Environment (ONE) IBM: Web Service Conceptual Architecture (WSCA) W3C: Web Service Workshop Oracle: Web Service Broker Hewlett-Packard: Web Service Platform
1. The ability of the application, function or operation of the exposure to other programs through the open standard, and interoperable.
2. "Payloads" is defined as XML.
3. "Transports" via http or other open Internet protocol.
4. Data accessible from various programming languages, hardware platform or operating system. 5. Middleware from the Internet.

Working Mechanism
Before entering the working mechanisms that occur in the Web Service, will be discussed first-kompenen components that have an important role in the Web Service components can be seen on the standards the web service itself, where the standards of web service is as follows: WSDL Web Services Description Language description from the web service UDDI Universal Discovery, Description & Integration Registry on the description of the services SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol transport protocol for communication between the web service Standards other WSRP, WSIA, WSXL ... ....
In addition to the standard-standard Web Service, there is also Sections Web Service (Web Service Dumpstack) heard that task, the task will occur in the process of running a web service, where the task-the task, among others: Wire protocols, Description, Discovery. Sections of the Web Service.
* Wire Rules major protocols: provides a standard, flexible communication channel additional Rules: provide a standard, wire-level representation of data that flexible Advantages: interoperability at the lowest level
* Rules main description: provides standard way to explaining what and how a web service that must be done with flexible. Advantages: interoperability.
* main Discovery Rules: provide a standard, to find the point where the web service in place and how to find additional information about what the web service with flexible Advantages: interoperability, integration of dynamic.
The ability to attribute metadata services registered in UDDI, and then run-quei queries based on metadata that mediates the absolute goal of the UDDI second time in the design and pengekskusian time.
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) has the following tasks: Programmatic description of the business and sevice that supported the Programmatic description of the web service specifications and programming model schema.
Stages of the development of the Web Service itself is: Discover - browse the UDDI registry for Web Service to the existing integration. Transform-create or create the Web Service from the project-the project. Build artifacts that are as SOAP and HTTP service. Develop - Build an example application to enter the client application to make Web service Publish - publish / upload the Web Service in the UDDI registry business.

The advantage of the Web Service
1. The use of open formats for all platforms.
2. Easy in and easy to understand debug.
3. Support a stable interface.
4. Using standards "to open the service once and have multiple users.
5. Easy to mediate messages and processes to add value.
6. Routing and delivery.
7. Security.
8. management and monitoring.
9. schema design and service.
10. Acceleration.
11. easy to develop with additional semantic transport.
12. Open, standards-based text.
13. Achieving a modular.
14. Not expensive to implement (relative).
15. Reduce the cost of enterprise application integration.
16. Implementation of the incremental.
XML allows software developers to expose valuable resources in the form of interoperability which has high, where the resources are all types of applications or storage data used by the organization. XML Web services architecture defines a standard mechanism to provide resources through the delivery of XML messages. To access the resources only with XML transmision messages through a standard protocol such as TCP, HTTP, or SMTP. The word "Web Service" (in short "service") refers to the code of the XML interface to be a source of power, where the bias so difficult to access.
This architecture allows for consumers to support integrated with the XML Web Service application. However, to meet this, consumers should determine the appropriate XML interface along with the message that the message diverse and have the details right. XML scheme can fill needs because this allows developers to explaining the structure of XML messages. XML own scheme, however, can not announce additional details concerning the communication with the Web Service.
Definition of the scheme to tell the XML messages that can be used but not how the messages relate to one another. For example, if there is an XML element named Add the name and other AddResponse, this is likely the second name is related but can not indicate its scheme. Therefore, in addition to know the messages, consumers should also know the possible exchange of messages that are supported by the Web Service (example:., If you send a message Add, you get a message back form AddResponse).
Can exchange messages intended as an exchange operation. Operations conducted by consumers on the most important point interaction service. Each time you use a Web Service, will be conducted inspection operations that supported the list to get all the processes that are available.
1. This is normal for developers to group operations to be connected to the interface-interface. Consumers need to know of these affect the way they create the code. This is important for developers, developers working with Web Service on the scope of object-oriented interface because XML can become a map interface programmatis (or abstract classes) in the language options selected.
2. Consumers also need to know what the communication protocol used for sending messages to the service, along the specific mechanisms involved when using the protocol defined as the use of the command, the header-header, an error code. Packing (binding) specify concrete details of what happened on the cable (wire) with how to use interface with specific communication protocol. Binding also affect message-peasn way in the abstract enkodisasi specify on the wire with the style of service (vs. document. RPC) mechanism and enkodisasi (vs. literal. Terenkodisasi).
3. Service can support binding on the double-binding interface that is determined, but each must be binding dapta accessible at the address identified by a unique URI, is also intended as the end point of the Web Service.
4. Consumers should find out all details outlined before they can interact using the Web Service.
After discussion about the Web Services discussed the many people, this is a sign that the concept of openness among the applications received by both. Everyone is aware of the importance of interoperability between different applications across platforms. This triggered and encouraged by various forms of new business models that start applied in the business world. ECommerce or ebusiness is possible that the occurrence of many transactions between the parties without the restrictions are by geography and limit the use of the platform used by the perpetrators of the business to develop a market that was never possible.
However, realize the ideals - ideals is a long road with many challenges that must be faced. Or the reform era of openness in the IT world it is also not easy. The concept of web services can be successfully and run well when it required were met. One of the implementation of web services is interoperability or abbreviated interop, namely, the activation process of doing a function or calling a method (method call) in the remote or with ordinary term known as Remote Procedure Call (RPC). Interop become a complex and challenging because many parties will interact each other, and will each berinteroperasi parties must meet various agreements. The main problem in interoperability is about:
Transport protocol used to send messages to each other.
Mechanism to send a message containing various parameters to enable a remote procedure call. And receive a response from a program that is activated. Interpret each message received.
Indeed, the efforts - the efforts made to create an interop has been a reliable and continuously carried out by various vendors. Technology - technology such as the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) from Microsoft, CORBA, Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) from the Object Management Group and many others are, for example. However, none of the various initiatives and technology that can be easily accepted by the developers to build applications - the other berinteroperasi application. Challenges and things - things such as that mentioned above is too difficult to be implemented, and the more difficult when the technology, the technology was in the same or try to integrate technology originating from different platforms.


SMS (Short MessageService)

Part of the SMS 1.1 Lifestyle
Wireless technology developed very quickly end this end. Several years ago, a cellular phone (mobile phone) with the present display hitamputih (didn't), a ringtone is the sound of the style measure, a form that is large enough, and enough standard functions. Imagine the situation now. The latest mobile phone output, usually have layers of color already, complete with Mega pixel camera that is integrated, and the Polyphonic ring tones are tolerably good to be heard. Now, we can see the email via mobile phone by using the GPRS connection, not to stop there, the presence of 3G technology allows us to do video streaming via mobile phone us.

However, with present technology that is already very sophisticated, there is one technology that is still used and remains a favorite from the first until now. What is technology? Yes, technology is called SMS. The scenery is not a new one, if we go to a place, we see people are holding ponselnya with one hand and push the buttons using the thumbs hands with the very businesslike. With easy we have been able to guess that people are learner-SMS raptures. Perhaps because of cost factors SMS cheaper than doing in the phone conversation to make us more often than send the SMS call. Moreover, for those who already have a pair, a day may not be effective if not, send SMS messages containing graphics? to the spouse, unless circumstances are mobile empty remaining CE-Greetings' Honestly, he's .. .. .. um

1.2 History of SMS
SMS is a standard feature of the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). This facility is used to send and receive messages in the form of text to and from a mobile phone. To use the SMS feature, users need to complete mobile facilities with the following:
- Using the SIM card (Subscriber Identity Module) from the GSM service provider that supports SMS.
Using a mobile phone that supports SMS.
Can be said that all the facilities had already become a standard mobile phone. SMS was first tested in December 1992 through a computer to a mobile phone in the Vodafone GSM network in the UK. Furthermore, the SMS technology and developing the type of application that can be used to increase. The length of the message can be sent in one shipment reached 160 characters or 70 characters if using non-Latin characters, such as Arabic or Chinese. Currently, all mobile phone factory without exception requires the products have been able to use SMS facilities.

SMS 1.3 Characteristics
Some characteristics of the SMS is:
- A short message consists of 160 characters that include letters or numbers. Can also support non-text messages, such as a binary format.
- Principle is working to save and to convey the message (store and forward message). In other words, the message is not sent directly to the recipients saved first, but in the SMS-Center.
- Having the characteristics in the delivery confirmation message, the message sent is not sent in a simple and reliable to be presented with the survivors. However, the message sender can also receive a message back that tells whether the message was sent or failed.

1.4 SMS Center (SMSC)
A SMSC is responsible for handling SMS messages on a wireless network (wireless). When an SMS sent by mobile phone, SMS is the first time will be displaced by the SMSC, and then will be forwarded to the destination number. This system is known as Store and Forward. This means that the message will be featured in the SMSC before forwarded to the destination number. If the destination number is not active, then the message will remain stored in the SMSC until the active message out. Sometimes an SMS message must go through several different networks (SMSC and SMS Gateway) prior to the goal.

1.5 Benefits The use of SMS
The use of SMS is not directly have been dominating most of the mobile phone users in the world. Of course, this is accompanied with the benefits and advantages of the SMS itself. Basically, SMS has the following benefits:
- Receive and send messages, both the standard message, notification, and others.
- Ability to send a message to many destination number at the same time. Have a high failure send a very small so that the message will most likely be up to the goal.
- It is a communication mechanism requires that the cost is quite cheap.

1.6 Protocol Used SMS
SMS sent and received via the wireless network. Protocol, which is often used by SMS is as follows.
- HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol). HTTP protocol is the most frequently used in the Internet today. HTTP main goal is to initially provide a way to take in the present and from HTML pages. Currently, the use of HTTP is not limited in serving HTML pages only. Development of HTTP controlled by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). HTTP version of the ordinary at this time is used HTTP/1.1. Explanation of this version can be seen in RFC 2616 that can be accessed through the address
- SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer Protocol). SMPP is a protocol that is designed specifically to handle the SMS. SMPP per first time designed by a small company called Aldiscon Ireland, before eventually purchased by LOGICA. In 1999, officially the development of technology SMPP taken over by SMPP Developers Forum, to be renamed before the SMS Forum. SMPP version that is most widely used version 3.3 (the version with the ability of the standard) and version 3.4, a version in which the ability to add transceiver (the ability to send and receive messages in one connection). Currently, plus the ability to continue SMPP and SMPP has now reached version 5.0.

Behind the SMS Business Opportunity
Remember when the author is a day to drop a friend home campus. When arriving at the house, the incidental friend is out briefly. Her younger sister at the time of grade 3 junior and finished the new National Final Exam accompany me for a chat-chat. I ask him, What results Testimonials keterima in high school and where? He said, Wow, I did not know. I check via SMS sajaĆ®. Wow, now can be checked via SMS it?, Jawabku. Not long after, people come. In fact, he just buy a voucher worth Rp100.000 balance. Buy a voucher that is normal, but that makes me upset, 2 days ago my friend to buy the new voucher worth Rp50.000. Boros think once again, but after I know the reason, I understand. In fact, my friend was curious to follow a quiz, which has a major mobile phone output added. And the winner is not taken by diundi, but points from the SMS obtained if successful quiz with the correct answer.
Short stories above illustrate that SMS is very helpful and can be used as a fertile business field. Almost all the events in the television using the SMS facility in the poll or a quiz. A Premium SMS. The charge is more expensive than the cost of sending SMS usual, but with the prize, and do not make people reluctant to send the SMS Premium.
If counted, Premium SMS tariffs to quiz the average - the average per Rp2.000 once tell. Assuming only that the quiz is only 1 / 10 of the Jakarta population totaling about 10 million people. Means that 1 million people / SMS Rp2.000 X = Rp2.000.000.000 (two billion rupiah). Deserve it, providers have to provide a quiz prize of a luxury car costing around Rp400.000.000. And whether it difficult to create the SMS service? The answer is not. Indeed, if you want to create a Premium SMS, which has different rates, we must work with the wireless service provider (operator / provider). However, if only to create interactive applications that SMS has the same functionality with SMS Premium, which needed only a computer connected to the phone through a data cable programming plus the ability that is not too difficult.



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