Bizarre Windows

Senin, 10 November 2008

First oddity:

no one can make FOLDER anywhere in Windows XP (for vista I try not) with the name "CON".
Weird is not .. And can not be trusted ...
Try it now Create a folder with the name "CON" (without quotation marks ")

Second oddity:

Try to open Microsoft Office Word (XP, 2003), and then type:
= Rand (200, 99)
and then press ENTER. Wait some time.
Results in Word 2007 is slightly different. Therefore, if you want to get the same results with the previous version of Word type:
rand.old = (200, 99)

Third oddity:

Try to open Notepad, and type "Bush HID the Facts" (without quotation marks). Do not press enter.
Save it anywhere. Close Notepad, and then reopen the file.
The sudden hidden by Notepad. Is this a conspiracy?


The Answer 1:

In the Windows folder name and the Special System Variables share the same view with, because that is when you create a folder with the name of System Variables will be considered the folder exists.
Therefore, you also can not designate a folder with your
CON, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, COM1 to COM9 and LPT1 to LPT9 ....
CON means that the console
COM1 means serial port 1
LPT1 means parallel port 1
Want this effect in Linux, where the hardware resources properly represented by a file. For example: / dev / tty, / dev / null etc.. But we can do, being thin folder CON :
- Open the command prompt
- Type "mkdir \ \. \ C: \ Con"
- Access the directory "dir \ \. \ C: \ Con"
- Remove the directory "rmdir \ \. \ C: \ Con"

The Answer 2:

The Oddity is often considered a bug in Microsoft Office Word, but actually this is a normal entered by programmers in the test, or simply in a fraudulent products. Because most programernya geek, and mad game, as the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is repeated in the code. These things are hidden and can be accessed with certain cara-cara/trik-trik. This is called "easter egg". Hack in the word that one of the easter egg.
Rand means random number (200.99), 200 means that the paragraphs, and 99 means that 99 per para sentence.
Try your change into (1,1) or any other number, the result will be different.

The Answer 3:

Not only the 'bush HID the Facts' a' hidden 'by Notepad, other sentences such as' this fire can break', 'this cat can split,' 'Jane can not dance,' 'xxxx xxx xxx xxxxx', and ' aaaaaaaa aaaaa AAA aaaaa 'also' fate 'the same.
when the sentence "bush HID the Facts" saved to a file, save the notepad without problems. Can be evidenced by opening the file with another editor, such as WordPad. Problems emerged when the new files opened by notepad page itself. Before opening the file, notepad I tried ngedeteksi encoding used. In fact, detection algorithm is amiss if the file contains a clause referred to the 4-3-3-5 pattern, so that characters establish certain ASCII code. As a result, I saved the file in the encoding Ansi page even opened in UTF-16 encoding.

Writer : Agam Rosyidi
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