free software used for monitoring network

Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Zabbix is one of the free-software used for monitoring network also all infra-structure in it. Suppose network traffic, the BW, network conditions, and so forth. We use the excess zabbix is:

• Real-time monitoring
• Providing such as visualization and graphics map
• Provide information to the problem quickly, eg by e-mail or sms.
• Selection type and condition reports misalkan per sunday, with only display data without the graphics, etc.
• Flexibel
• Can monitoring in a large group or only 1 host
• Security authentifikasi with the IP address
• Easy in the administration
• All information about zabbix can be obtained online
• Can be used for multi-OS
• etc.

Before the installation we do the first installation of the package that will be used to run zabbix, following a tough-software package that must be installed before or on the installation and running zabbix:

• apache2
• libapache2-mod-PHP5
• PHP5
• PHP5-gd
• PHP5-mysql
• PHP5-cli
• mysql-server

1. Installation
• Make sure that the packages softawe with zabbix the dependency on the already installed
• In debian etch packages zabbix needed already so we do not need to download (zabbix-v1.1.4-1)
• Packages that are required are: zabbix-agent, zabbix-frontend-php, zabbix-mysql (using the mysql database).
# Apt-get install zabbix-agent zabbix-fronted-php-mysql zabbix

• Make connections with the database
# Mysql-u-p
mysql> create database zabbix;
mysql> quit;

• Copy this configuration to mysql
# Cd /usr/share/zabbix-server
# Cat schema.sql | mysql-u-p zabbix
# Cat data.sql | mysql-u-p zabbix
• Configuration / etc / services
zabbix_agent 10050/tcp
zabbix_trap 10051/tcp

• Configuration / etc / inetd.conf
zabbix_agent stream tcp nowait.3600 zabbix \ / opt / zabbix / bin / zabbix_agent

• Then run zabbix-server:
# /etc/init.d/zabbix-server start

• Check in / var / log / zabbix-server:

2. Configuration with php
• Change the configuration of / etc / zabbix / dbconfig.php:

• Copy  /etc/zabbix to /var/www:
# cp-R /etc/zabbix /var/www

• Then check in http://localhost/zabbix, make sure that the mysql-server, apache2 and zabbix-server already start

3. Configuring the zabbix web interface
This simple example beperapa from zabbix configuration that will be observed in the web interface (for more sophisticated or not it depends on the parameters we want to show what we want to observe the more complete the more dynamic and clear)

First to do if you want to create their own configuration, we have to login and change the permision read & write, and then go to the link configuration

• Create a new group
Configuration -> hosts -> (Choose) Host Groups -> Create Group
Then enter the name of the group will be monitored eg: router

• Then create a template
Configuration -> hosts -> (Choose) Templates -> Create Template
Then enter the name of the template eg: kondisi.router add to the group router

• Make the item you want observed
Configuration -> Items -> (Choose) Router (Template) -> New Item
Then give the name of the items observed such as CPU_usage

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