Copy the entire contents of Flash One Click

Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Copy the entire contents of Flash One Click
In this example, the flash drive is G:
Create a folder (eg called) \ XCP in drive D:
Create a file "COPYFLASH.BAT" in the Windows Directory
This is the content:

@ echo off
title "flash disk scanning ..."
prompt $ H
dir g: / b
xcopy g:. d: \ xcp / E / C / Q / G / H / R / Y
title "complete scan ..."

Create shortcutnya on the Desktop icon for the cool
The above command will copy the entire contents of the flash disk drive G: to the folder E: \ XCP
Without confirmation, if the error passed to the next file. The main responsibility and sip wrong.
For 1 Gb flash (with the USB driver v2.0 active) only takes about 58 seconds.

If you want to directly, without the files, do so:
Start> Run> type:

start / min xcopy G: \ E: \ XCP / S / Y / I / R / D>> flash.txt

Later that would flash ngopy other people, live press WinKey (between Ctrl and Alt on the left) + R, then Enter

source :

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