Free Java Web Server

Senin, 10 November 2008

No doubt, the web server for the Java Servlet / JSP is the most popular on the Apache Tomcat. But if you want a more comfortable, try a web server 100% Java. (Revised)

In general, the Java web server is easier to install than a mixture of Apache + Tomcat. You know, the installation of Apache is quite troublesome, especially in Windows (Cygwin as necessary). Plus Tomcat, my head dizzy. With Java-based web server, one you can install the HTTP + Servlet + JSP server.

Another advantage, Java-based web server can be integrated with other Java package into a Web Application Server (WAS). Currently, there WAS such as the open source JBoss, Jonas or Jakarta-Avalon. To start learning to make servlet or JSP, it should start from the Java web server that small and lightweight. Later, if the experience is, up to was, or if they just need to hack the web server to create a tailor made WAS own.

Java Web server is a multiplatform, can the road in the Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac. Of course, you must first install JDK (JRE can not!) According to the platform. After that you can download the Java web server package is only about 1 MB - 2 MB, is complete binaries, source code and documentation. Unzip your stay, go to the bin directory, and call batch / sh-script, he has been the road. Only if you should need to edit the configuration (for instance, would change the IP or port listeners).

Java Web Server as a commercial Resin, JRun, or Blazix. But that is also free not good. This you can try:

Tomcat is the official choice for the Sun implementation of the standard servlet and JSP server. Tomcat is usually the way with the Apache HTTP server, but can now also own the road, 100% Java.
Positive: the standard, many extra, to maintain production system.
Negative: big, slow, complex configurations.

Jetty made by Mortbay Consulting and quite popular, even in the entrance Netcraft statistics.
Positive: Renowned as used as a standard by JBoss and Jonas, support virtual hosts, the war deployment, and the latest specification (HTTP 1.1, Servlet 2.3, JSP 1.2).
Negative: The Iraqi configured. You need to go to the site, read the FAQ there.

Lite Web Server
LWS made by Gefion Software. The core-it can be downloaded directly (HTTP Servlet +). Then you must run the management to download additional modules (JSP and JSTL)
Positive: Very easily installed on Windows (Linux is still in the manual), there is a management module, supporting the latest specification (HTTP 1.1, Servlet 2.3, JSP 1.2), plus easy modules Tomcat (eg JSTL).
Negatives: Not supporting the virtual server

Web Servers jo
Jo made by Tagraum Industries.
Positive: Easy to configure, support virtual hosts, the war deployment, easy diintegrasi to JBoss and Avalon.
Negative: Specifications slightly behind (Servlet 2.2, JSP 1.1)

Bajie Web Server
Web server is made of students.
Positive: a small, simple, drag, drag and drag. There is console that easy for the context, session, etc., so that a good development
Negative: Still not mature

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